Pandu Laut Nusantara maintains and cares for our oceans so that they are always rich, healthy, and abundant like they used to be.
Pandu Laut Nusantara strives to make our oceans more and more diverse and abundant by winning policies in Indonesia that regulate the entirety of Indonesia's marine life.
Pandu Laut Nusantara was founded in 2018,it is an independent collective movement that does not conflict with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. It is not affiliated with any particular political party, ethnicity and belief, and is open to all levels of community based on volunteers who have a common awareness to protect and care for the Indonesian seas.
The sea is the future of the nation. It makes up two thirds of our country. The ocean covers 70 percent of Indonesia's territory, and to us it is just as important as its size. Thousands of species of fish and marine biota live in Indonesian water, from local fish to rare ones. The ocean provides a livelihood for Indonesian fishermen. Indonesia's oceans feed millions of people and have the capacity to provide healthy seafood every day. The abundance of marine resources is a double-edged sword. It brings blessings but can also be disastrous. Indonesian fishery products are tempting in the eyes of the world. It is our collective duty to protect it. Caring for the ocean means protecting resources for our children and grandchildren. Pandu Laut Nusantara is dedicated to caring for, preserving and restoring the oceans of Indonesia.

The Problem
Indonesia's oceans are vast, but not immune to human influence. Human behavior has damaged marine ecosystems and pushed millions of year old species to the brink of extinction. According to a study published in Science, less than 4 percent of the ocean remains unaffected by human activities.
Pandu Laut Nusantara was created to identify practical solutions and make the solutions happen. The good news is that we can return the oceans to their former glory.